Sometimes we feel stuck with our choices but we’re never stuck, and there’s no better time to remember that than the start of spring. Zoë Palliare, a transformational coach and KIND contributor, says that we all know what in our lives is no longer serving us, and that we have the power to choose again.
“Often it means choosing a momentary discomfort of something you’re doing that means accepting short-term pain for more long-term joy,” says Palliare, adding that the change will be different for everybody. Some people need to shed a toxic relationship, others need more separation from work. Maybe you need to watch more Netflix and chill. Whatever the disruption, explains Zoë, odds are you know what awaits you right now.
“It’s about listening to that little voice that’s saying what’s right for you and getting out of your comfort zone,” explains Palliare. “Look at the bigger picture. Who do you want to become? What do you want to be five years, ten years from now? What does that version of you need to do?”
Listening to the voice in our heads can be painful, but it’s the only way to move forward, and actively create positive change. As spring takes shape and the weather warms, think about what’s the happiest version of you. What do you need to feel joyful? Even if that equates to incurring some difficult months, Zoë Palliare believes that hard choices today are worth it for long-term gains.
“Pull out your calendar and choose an accountability partner, someone positive in your life who will help you do important, difficult things,” explains Zoë. “Spring is a great time for changing patterns and moving forward. It might be uncomfortable, but you have to remember—becoming unstuck always is.”
It’s about listening to that little voice that’s saying what’s right for you and getting out of your comfort zone.