Spinach Scores Best Hybrid Dried Flower of the Year!

Spinach is a brand owned and operated by The Cronos Group, a licensed producer that’s been a leader in the legal cannabis industry since before the passing of the 2018 Cannabis Act. As voted by the budtenders across Canada, Spinach took home the 2020 kind award for Best Hybrid Dried Flower of the Year. Ben Kaplan spoke to Michelle Circosta, the brand manager for Spinach, on what the awards means to her and her team.
  • Ben Kaplan: Your award was chosen by Canada's budtenders from around the country. What does that mean to you and what role do the budtenders play in our industry?

    Michelle Circosta: We’re so stoked to win this award! Getting a stamp of approval from a budtender is incredibly flattering. Budtenders play such an important role in our world and we’re honoured that they love and recommend Spinach.

  • BK: You won Hybrid Flower of the Year. What makes your hybrid flower so nice?

    MC: Spinach is for everyone—for tall friends. For small friends. For all friends! Our message of inclusivity and good times is what everyone needs. Especially in 2020.

  • BK: Love that. And how can you be sure that everyone will like it? What’s good weed mean to you?

    MC: Offering high-quality products and honouring legendary strains are incredibly important for us. Spinach is loved by cannabis connoisseurs and newbies alike and it’s our joy to offer high-quality products across the board.

  • BK: Do you have some big new plans for the new year?

    MC: We have some sweet things and sour things planned for early 2021. We can’t wait to share more with kind on that soon—you know we love to share with friends.

  • BK: How about you share some good news with friends? What made you feel good in this difficult year?

    MC: The Spinach community of friends has been a beacon of hope and humour this year. Whenever we’re having a rough day, a scroll through the funny comments on our Instagram page restores our faith in humanity. No one needs to comment or send on love, but the daily props we get from our community online makes everything worth it – and 2020 has taught us that community is everything. We’re so grateful for our loyal Spinach community and we look forward to bringing them more amazing products in 2021.