Cadence Weapon is from Edmonton and has won most of Canada's highest laurels, from the Polaris Prize to being named Poet Laurette. Rapper, producer, writer, poet and activist, Cadence Weapon returns next month with Parallel World, a blistering, brilliant album that remixes his groundbreaking Polaris Prize-winning album Parallel World. It's personal, eclectic, banging—and a perfect antidote to get you out of the winter and moving towards spring.
“I was searching for producers who I feel like are really groundbreaking and pushing barriers. That’s the thing I’m always attracted to musically. My initial thought was, ‘How can I help give a bigger platform to these artists who I know personally, but who are some of the most innovative artists in Canada?’”
Cadence Weapon is a reporter with open eyes and a generous heart. His views on racism, inequality, Canada, police profiling and gentrification, make him one of Canada's most dynamic, vital artists on the scene. This new record, which touches everything from grime to trap to acid jazz to hip hop, is a powerful reimagining of one of the best records to come out of this country in years. Listen to Cadence Weapon, and get ready for his memoir coming out this May.