Horror comedy series, Paranormal Solutions Inc., hit the airwaves at the beginning of 2021 and it will have you laughing and shaking in your boots all at the same time! The series, created by Canadian creators David Milchard and Nicholas Carella, follows the Paranormal Solutions Inc. team, a team of six hapless, but passionate ghost hunters who have yet to see major success. They’re on a mission to grow their business and become top of the supernatural game.
Modern-day Ghostbusters, this team has us laughing out loud across the eight digital episodes published to the Alter YouTube channel. Getting on Alter was a huge step for the creators who started working on this project over five years ago.
Alter describes themselves as the most provocative minds on horror on their YouTube channel, and they are committed to exploring the human condition through “warped and uncanny perspectives.” They’ve been doing an excellent job at it, they have managed to amass 1.6 million loyal followers who come back week after week for short films and series.
When Milchard and Carella made Paranormal Solutions Inc., Milchard says social media algorithms started changing, making it difficult for him to market projects like this one. “YouTube was made for creators who were making shows that were high quality when they changed the algorithm, we were like what do we do? We’re not vloggers, DIYers, or unboxers!” Milchard noticed that creators making vlog, DIY and unboxing content were getting more eyeballs than polished long-form content like he was making. However, that didn’t stop him.
“We didn’t change the content to suit the algorithm,” he says. “We changed the way we finance our projects.”
Milchard said creators can learn from his journey. “We started thinking about how we could find private equity,” he says. By not changing the content, and just changing the way the content was financed, Milchard was able to continue making projects that he was passionate about.
He describes the work as It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia meets Ghostbusters with female characters leading as the heroes of the show. “I think the world is filled with all sorts of colourful characters,” he says, “and this show reflects that.”
Binge watch Paranormal Solutions Inc. below.
Episode One and Two
Episode Three and Four
Episode Five and Six
Episode Seven and Eight