Jacqui Childs Talks Sex and Edibles

Truth or dare? "I'll take the dare." And so it began—my love for cannabis and coitus.
(Love using that word in a sentence: CANNABIS...)
It's been a while since my first experience with sex and cannabis, but I remember it like yesterday.
We had just come out to the world as a couple (we made it Facebook official), and it was the start of the Christmas holidays. Not loving the cold winter nights, we opted to stay in, light a fire and play a very adult game of truth or dare.
"I'll take the dare," I said, in a very brave, big-shot tone.
"Let's try some edibles,” he said. “They're low-dose and we've got nowhere to go tomorrow."
I felt much like Alice in Wonderland as I picked the smallest piece from the box.
I ate the tiny, unassuming piece of chocolate (that was actually really delicious), and as the last bit melted its way down the back of my throat, I remember thinking: what have I done… ?
I felt much like Alice in Wonderland as I picked the smallest piece from the box.
We play Scrabble and put some vinyl on, just two consenting adults having a nice night in.
And we wait, and wait some more. I was about to ask for another piece (which I wouldn't recommend for first timers), when things changed. "Are you seeing sparkles?" I asked.
It wasn't his response that stuck with me, it was the way his voice sounded, it was like he had become my favourite late-night DJ. I felt every word.
The fire was crackling almost to the beat of the music; it was warm in the room and I was definitely comfortable. "So I guess we're done with truth or dare?" His manner was almost taunting. "Umm no,” I said. “We're just getting started. I'll take truth!"
"Have you ever had sex while high?"
I'm pretty sure those were the very last words we spoke that night. I was about to understand why cannabis and sex was such a taboo subject. It didn't matter how close we were to each other, it wasn't close enough. The sound of our movements, our breath, seemed orchestrated. I was so relaxed, there were moments I slipped from awake to asleep, in what felt like the blink of an eye. We looked at each other, he looked different, but great. We held it for each other—it felt different, but mesmerizing. His breathing and the warmth from his body slowly became mine, as he melted into me.
On my best days, I'd describe myself as a lazy lover. Think of a starfish—just laying there all boring, but looking good, LOL. Not the case on this magical night. I was the lead in Cirque du Soleil and he was my stage. My trampoline. My pole.
We are now about three hours in since sharing the forbidden fruit (roughly 10mg of a dark chocolate almond square) and we're just getting started. In public, I'm a big mouth; in bed, I'm pretty quiet. Do starfish make any noise? Tonight, I'm very vocal. I'm not only asking for what I want, I'm demanding it! Or am I? I remember thinking: Did I say that out loud?
As we became one hot mess of sweat and flesh, we smoked a little and drank lots of water (yes, the rumors are true, dry mouth is a thing), and we laughed and laid still for what seemed like hours. We had been intimate before, but never like this. I've had my share of what I thought were great lovers, but, again, nothing like this. (Maybe Two Second Tim and Poor Plain Paul just needed to add some cannabis to their game.)
As women, we are busy, mind and body, lots going on—multitasking and full of guilt.
We question everything, thanks to our mothers and their mothers, society and the opposite sex.
Tonight the only question I had was, "Was it as good for you?" And his reply is something I'll never forget. He told me I not only looked beautiful, relaxed and calm, but I felt free and comfortable. He told me the pauses he took were just to look at me, and take it all in. I never felt more beautiful and seen than that night in front of the fireplace, high AF.
As women, we are busy, mind and body, lots going on—multitasking and full of guilt.
I can't believe I had never infused my sexcapades before. I'm not sure what I was afraid of. Perhaps the fear of being honest, open and unapologetic. The thought of being out of control. Maybe I just hadn't found the right partner.
Now that edibles are legal and safely available, I talk about using them to get out of your own head and into the moment, with lots of my friends. I'm surprised by some of the stories I hear. I'm also pleasantly surprised when Bran Muffin Betty and Vanilla Vince share their intimate stories of sex and cannabis. It really is quite a time to be alive. While so many things seem to be separating us, cannabis is bringing us together, even just for one unforgettable night.
And to his question: "Have you ever had sex while high?" Well, things have changed. The answer was no when he first asked me, but now I've become what some might say is a bit of an expert. You always remember your first time.