Journeys in Cannabis Writing

Today, I am going to tell you all about the incidents that have happened to me that has brought me to writing here for you today. Due to the numerous incidents that have happened, I will be briefly talking about them each to save time and paper. Let’s get started!
It all started when I was 18-years-old and didn’t know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. You know, the typical crying, contemplating, and going into an existential crisis at 3p.m. Most people go through it and if you don’t, you’re one lucky bastard. Finally, after two days of panicking and researching, I concluded that going into arts management would be perfect for me. Ah, the businesses side of the arts. I love art and I did enjoy throwing events in the past pertaining to art, so this is going to be perfect for me.
Next was when I got high for the first time. Imagine, you take an edible, the room is dark, and the only light shining is the sky light you bought. Blue and purple hues cover the room, and best part is that Frank Ocean is playing in the background. It’s beautiful. All your worries melt away and you’re left with nothing but the background vocals you hear in Super Rich Kids.
Here we now are at the time when I quit my job at Starbucks and got a job as a budtender at Friendly Stranger. I have been working at Starbucks for two years now as a barista. I wouldn’t say that my experience there was necessarily bad, but it certainly wasn’t the best. One of the most ridiculous things that I have witnessed there is when my store had to remake a chai tea latter for a woman—seven times. So, last fall it dawned on me that I was 19-years-old which means I can finally do and buy legal things. Why not get my CannSell I wondered? I love weed, so I might as well try to work in a dispensary and enjoy working. The plan was set, I would get my CannSell, call around and be annoying until I found a job. Determination is key. I go to my local Friendly Stranger shop and ask to speak to the manager to hand in my resume. Instead, I got an interview on the spot and even got hired on the spot. Overall, it was a great day.

Let’s move to how I started writing and decided that I wanted to start writing for magazines. We all remember how I said that arts management was going to be perfect for me, right? Well, at the beginning of second year, I was going to drop out of the program because of how unhappy I was. Oh, boy, another existential crisis happened to me and when that happens you know what that means! Staying up trying to figure out what do to with my life because I don’t like to waste time. I determined to write a list of all the things I like and didn’t like. I wrote my list and examined the points. I reached the bullet point that has the word writing beside it. I always wrote down in a journal and I loved reading magazines, so why not test my luck in the writing world.
There was only one problem with this career choice, the journalism industry is COMPETITIVE. I had to make myself stand out. One night, I saw on TikTok that a creator was talking about how she managed to get into the industry and the one way that she stood out was by making her own magazine. This makes it official then, I must make my own magazine: I just gotta. So, that is when the birth of Underrated Magazine and my writing journey had started.
Fast forward to me discovering kind. It has now been a few months since I got hired. The dispensary is treating me well and I enjoy coming to work. A complete 180 compared to Starbucks. We got the latest issue of kind and this was the first time I ever heard about this wonderful magazine. “This is awesome!” I thought when I first read the magazine. It was fun, it was sophisticated, it was informational, it was great. As soon as I got home, I subscribed so I was able to obtain the future issues. As I was typing in my information, I thought to myself, “What if I ask if I can write for them?”
It was a great opportunity, and I knew I had to take the risk, but I completely forgot to email them and ask.
Two months later, here we are now, reader. Me writing for you and you reading my writing. It’s funny how life works, isn’t it? At first, I thought that I was doomed and was never able to recover, and now I’m here doing what I love. Remember reader: if I can do it, you can do it 10x more easily than me.
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