Ace Valley takes Best Hybrid Disposable Pen

Ace Valley began life as a craft beer company based in Toronto and has expanded into an award-winning cannabis company, as well. The Ace Valley Hybrid Disposable Pen was voted Best of the Year by Canada’s budtenders in the 2020 kind magazine Best of the Year awards. Jesse Dallal, Ace Valley’s Chief Strategy Officer, reflected on what the award means to the Ace Valley team.
  • Ben Kaplan: Your awards were chosen by Canada's budtenders from around the country. What does that mean to you and what role do the budtenders play in our industry?

    Jesse Dallal: It means everything. Budtenders are the curators of our industry. They see every product, hear every brand pitch and talk to consumers every day. So for them to see Ace Valley’s CBD Vape stand out as a favorite product means a lot.

  • BK: You won Best Hybrid Disposable Pen, what is it about that product that’s resonating with budtenders this year?

    JD: We’ve tried to focus on being different and memorable in a way that is positive for the consumer. In the case of our vape pen, we designed a really unique experience where our logo gradually lights up as the consumer inhales. People immediately connected with this interaction and have been really loyal to the product, which is awesome to see.

  • BK: Brands are having a tough time connecting, but Ace Valley is certainly well known. What sort of advantage does that give you, because people love your beer?

    JD: Legal cannabis can be pretty overwhelming for a lot of consumers. Tons of new products, brands, jargon, rules, etc. were all created at once. We felt that simplifying things would help us break through. That meant building a single recognizable brand, keeping pricing approachable and offering a tight portfolio of products that are ready to enjoy.

  • BK: What do you do for quality control, when sometimes people criticize what’s available on the legal market?

    JD: Quality is extremely important and is a big part of what keeps customers coming back to Ace Valley. We are really picky about who we work with and the products we sell. Whether it’s single strain pre-rolls, custom designed vapes or vegan gummies, it all reflects back on the Ace Valley brand so keeping a high standard is key for us and is just what our customers have come to expect.

  • BK: We've seen the Cannabis Act pass and we've seen Cannabis 2.0 products introduced in our legal marketplace. What's new on your horizon for 2021?

    JD: We’ve always believed in the opportunity around convenient, ready to enjoy cannabis products and their fit with our customer base, and obviously a lot of the 2.0 products fit that description. We have a number of innovations in development right now that will hopefully make Ace Valley even more convenient, approachable and delightful in 2021.

  • BK: Lastly, 2020 was obviously hard on lots of us, in and out of the cannabis community. What's one random act of kindness that restores your faith in humanity both for this holiday and for the year to come? Who, or what, makes you feel good?

    JD: I want to shout out the Ace Valley team here if that’s ok. Through a really tough year, they have been so resilient, optimistic and collaborative. It gives me a lot of positivity and makes me very excited for what’s ahead.