K-OS Takes Over the Fall

An all-time great returned this spring with a cover of You Might Think by the Cars and toured brilliantly this summer. K-os, an influential rocker who’s been making records since 2002, tells us about his favourite summertime pastimes, edibles and that time in Sweden he got high with Black Thought from the Roots and it changed his life.
  • BK: Thank you for doing this. Let's pretend there's no COVID and you're inviting six people to a backyard bbq, who do you invite?

    k-os: Zoe Kravitz, Viggo Mortenson, MIA, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hemsworth, ASAP Rocky

  • BK: It’s midnight at your BBQ, work with me—what record is playing?


  • BK: You’re in Vancouver now. What’s the difference between summer in Toronto and Vancouver and which is more fun at 2 a.m.?

    k-os: It's easy not to care what people say/it’s harder to pretend to try. Aye... I'm usually sleeping by 2 a.m. these days, but... I am up again by 5 a.m. to run the Seawall in Vancouver. That's what I do for fun now.

  • BK: What's your all-time favourite summer music festival? Who did you see, where and when?

    K-os: Osheaga. Kendrick Lamar.

  • BK: If you were planning the k-os Christmas music festival, who'd be on the bill?

    k-os: Billie Eilish, ASAP FERG, Jesus, the Strokes, Chastity, LOONY, Peach Pit, Kyatranada, Joey Badass, Mother Mother, Uzi Vert, Willow Smith.

Yes to weed drinks. I'll drink all the drinks!
  • BK: And who would play the after-party?

    k-os: A TRACK and JUST BLAZE.

  • BK: Now let’s talk about weed. Does your cannabis consumption change in the summer versus the winter and fall?

    k-os: It rains a lot in Vancouver during the winter because it’s a rainforest. Rainy day consumption in a rainforest is calming.

  • BK: What about edibles, and have you tried the weed drinks? It’s a pretty mellow high that I think you’d enjoy.

    k-os: I recently started cooking with cannabis. It feels like nature’s way. Yes to weed drinks. I'll drink all the drinks!

  • BK: Your last record was such a shot of joy, that cover of The Cars tune. What makes a great ride, and are you still driving that VW van?

    k-os: I like to feel the road when I drive. My legendary uncle had a truck in Trinidad that he would let us ride in the back of and that's where my love for “feeling the road” started. The 1984 Westfalia I own drives like an army vehicle. The driver is positioned directly above the two front wheels so you feel it all. I don't like driving/having a smooth ride. Maybe in a taxi.

  • BK: If you could have any car, what would it be and where would you go?

    k-os: I'll keep the VW Westfalia and go to my fave camping spot—Elora Gorge Ontario.

  • BK: Anyone cool you’ve ever smoked with? I’ve seen your Instagram photos. I know there’s great people who’ve passed you a joint.

    k-os: Black Thought from The Roots in Sweden. He invited me to his dressing room and we smoked and talked about Rap. I remember thinking that my life would never be the same after that moment. And it never was the same.

To keep up with everything k-os and learn more about the new record, follow him on Instagram @kostelevision.